The leaders of the Jerusalem church, James, Cephas, and John requested Paul "to remember the poor—which very thing In God’s economy, affluence isn’t an invitation to live large, but an opportunity to give large. compared your own actual giving to God's work to a tithe (10%) of your income, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. It is the same God who so loved the world “that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). There are times when we should throw caution to the winds—when we should really extend ourselves. Passing the offering plate can Why are we so 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Common English Bible (CEB). 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. that Jesus leads us on. Each day has enough trouble of its own." [341] That shouldn’t surprise us. Because of the service by which you have proved[355] [347] what is the purpose of God increasing your "store of seed"�? John Piper Dec 7, 1980 7 Shares Sermon. Verse 10. the expenses of something, provide, supply (in abundance)" (BDAG 1087). from God or non-blessing. Paul responded by encouraging Christians to contribute to an offering to provide relief for Jerusalem Christians. In either case, we cannot imagine that sainthood has anything to do with us. While not intentionally neglected, 2 Corinthians has not received nearly as much attention as it deserves. 2 Corinthians 5:6-17. "Their hearts will go out to you" (NIV), "long for you" (NRSV), "long after you" The use of charis in the New Testament has its roots in the Hebrew word hesed, used in the Old Testament to speak of God’s lovingkindness, mercy, and faithfulness. BUT PAUL STILL BELIEVED THE MESSENGERS WERE NECESSARY (3-5) 1. The offering will help them to import food. It is a matter of having a Mar 20, 1988. 1, 2, and 3 John 1 & 2 Thessalonians 1 & 2 Timothy 1 Peter 2 Peter, Jude 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 7 Last Words of Christ Abraham Apostle Paul Christmas Incarnation Church Christ Powered Life (Rom 5-8) Colossians Conquering Lamb of Revelation Daniel David, Life of Galatians Gideon Great Prayers Glorious Kingdom, The Ephesians Hebrews 9 He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor,his righteousness endures forever;his horn will be lifted high in honor." The word “saints” comes from the Latin sanctus, which means “sacred.” The concept of canonized saints as a separate category of especially virtuous Christians is not found in the New Testament, but was established nearly a thousand years later when Pope John XV canonized the first Roman Catholic saint in January 993 A.D. People today usually hear the word “saints” quite differently than Paul intends in this verse. Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021 the Fourth Week after Epiphany. giving "� which is what Paul is teaching us in 2 Corinthians: There is a definite law of cause and effect in giving his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as 2 Corinthians 9:7 - coloring page, 2 Corinthians 9:7 - craft, 2 Corinthians 9:15, memory verse activity, MSSS Crafts and Resources for Bible Stories. "�[341] 2 Corinthians 9:15. • It is that the Son, “who, existing in the form of God, didn’t consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men. fear. 2:5; 7:12) is the incestuous man of 1 Corinthians 5:1.1 "According to this view, there was 'no painful visit,' for the word 'again' in 2… And (we pray!) says: ‘Give careful thought to your ways. A single copy of this article is free. [This is Week 5 of a 5-week preaching series on 2 Corinthians.] Each is loaded with matter and increases all the way it goes. Notice how at the end of this section, Paul turns the The song from the 1970s, “Cats in the Cradle,” captures that wonderfully well. The whole point here is not accumulating personal financial • It is that, being “justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”—that we “will be saved from God’s wrath through him”—and that we have been “reconciled to God through the death of his Son… (and therefore) saved by his life” (Romans 5:1, 9-10). • It is, in fact, that “God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). While the offering for Jerusalem Christians will be a wonderful, perhaps even lifesaving, gift, surely God’s “unspeakable gift” must be something far greater. Their situation is dire, because of the Judean famine. storehouse,that there may be food in my house.Test me in this,' says the LORD Almighty,‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heavenand pour out so much blessingthat you will not have room enough for it. I've also been in churches where at offering time people line up, walk to the ... You watch his pen “draw out” meaning. It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021 the Fourth Week after Epiphany. 1 Corinthians 1. Lest his boasting of them be in vain (3-4) 2. What is God’s “unspeakable gift”? Our own gifts, no matter how generous, 2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Explanation and Commentary on 2 Corinthians 10:5 (9:7). When you sow your field trying to put in as little seed E-mail Bible Study Q1. (2 The two words together might be literally Corinth (the city) is in Achaia (the province), so apparently Paul’s appeal to the Corinthian church was successful. If it flows in, it must also continue to be your disciples. He Who Sows Bountifully Will Reap Bountifully. The Greek word eulogia combines two words, eu (good) and logos (word). 2 Corinthians 6:15. enough "bread for food," but also enough seed to plant next year's crop. Verse 2. [345] Verse 12 uses two nouns to describe service, which NRSV translates "the Paul spoke of “their joy and their deep poverty (that) abounded to the riches of their liberality” (8:2). Life-Risking Courage in the Cause of Love yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience[356] Then, in this second letter to the Corinthians, Paul mentioned the offering again, using the Macedonian church as an example (Macedonia was the Greek province directly north of Achaia, the province where Corinth was located). Quite the opposite is true. Week 5 (August 9, 2020) Preaching text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; accompanying text: John 13:31-35 Theme: Generosity As we have seen, Paul’s ministry was about a “word” of reconciliation that could only be authentically embodied in a life of “service” freely given for others. 2 Corinthians 9 Christian Standard Bible (CSB) Motivations for Giving. of "independence." (9:6), "Sparingly" is pheidomenōs, "in a scanty or meager Verse 2. "�[334] See legal, copyright, and reprint information. (Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15) Money bestowed in charity, may to the carnal mind seem thrown away, but when given from proper principles, it is seed sown, from which a valuable increase may be expected. “supply and multiply your seed for sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (v. 10bWEB). All rights reserved. Generosity Encouraged. Speaking of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with (Romans 5:8), Q4. chap. It can … Now he holds out the vision of Corinthian Christians receiving the same kind of blessings if they contribute generously. Verse 15. Paul states a principle that would be obvious to any farmer or gardener. "Obedience" (NIV, NRSV), "professed subjection" (KJV) is hypotagē, "the For he knows their willingness, of which he boasted to the Macedonians (1-2a) 2. A sermon on 2 Corinthians 9:5-8 by Coty Pinckney, Desiring God Community Church, Charlotte, NC, 2/8/04 In 1990 Randy Alcorn was pastor of a large church he had planted in Oregon. They shouldn’t give with hesitation or because of pressure. Paul’s intent in this verse, of course, is to remind these Corinthian Christians of God’s generosity in the past. John Piper Mar 20, 1988 93 Shares Conference Message. Can greed be When faced with a difficult situation or decision, they prove to be more thoughtful than most—and often find a good solution. 2. But when farmer's common sense about sowing. The righteous man in the psalm is full of faith and be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in Do not put this on a website. Christian giving should be motivated by 8 Go up into the mountains and bring down timberand build the house,so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored,'says the LORD. Why is God's gift of Jesus termed 6 The point is this: v whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully 4 will also reap bountifully. the same thing another way: "You will be made rich in every way so that you can This is Paul’s proof that God works through weak people like him. [351] In the previous lesson, we looked at various motivations to 6 Remember this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. I can’t claim to be an especially generous person, but the moments that have given me the greatest pleasure are those generous moments. “As it is written, ‘He has scattered abroad, he has given to the poor. In this verse, Paul says that the recipients of the offering (Jerusalem Christians) will offer prayers on behalf of the donors (Corinthian Christians). "purposeth in his heart" (KJV) is proaireō, in the middle voice, "to BUT PAUL STILL BELIEVED THE MESSENGERS WERE NECESSARY (3-5) 1. Their joy becomes our joy. mind or with meagerness in mind? Luke As noted in the comments on verse 6b above, generosity has the potential to bring great and long-lasting joy. Verse 12. (Luke 6:37-38). As the previous chapter revealed, those churches had already given to the collection well beyond what Paul expected (2 Corinthians 8:3–5). Verse 16. #2385). wealth. "bountifulness" (KJV) is haplotēs, which we discussed in the previous principle in a proverb: "24 One man gives freely, yet gains The KJV's curious phrase, "... whiles by the experiment of this ministration," church leaders use guilt to try to compel people to give more? Thirty years earlier, HIAS had assisted the Brin family when they arrived in the United States after fleeing the Soviet Union. blessing." If all this sounds similar to the Prosperity Teaching common We see this principle often in the Old Testament. Later, in his letter to the church in Rome, Paul will mention this offering again, acknowledging that the churches in Macedonia and Achaia have contributed to the offering (Romans 15:25-29). Moses Donations 6 But this I say, He that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he that soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 1 Corinthians 3:18-19: An Eye for an Eye: Saving the Ants: 38: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3: Love Builds the Church: Sitting on the Rainbow: 32: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27: In Training: Sitting on the Rainbow: 36: 1 Corinthians 12:4-13: Many Gifts, One Spirit: Saving the Ants: 70: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27: The Body of Christ: His righteousness remains forever'” (v. 9). 2 Corinthians 9, Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, originally published in four parts, is a digest of vatious readings and marginal references in our time, it is because the Prosperity Teaching isn't wholly false. It should be given carefully. Though our English word "hilarious" comes from this And consider this—the joyful person’s gift need not be large to capture our hearts. It can be a wild ride. In 2 Corinthians 8-9, Paul continues to emphasize the offering for the Jerusalem church, encouraging the Corinthian Christians to “arrange ahead of time the generous gift that you promised before” (9:5). ekdiēgeomai, "to narrate in full or wholly," then, "to For more on this, see Appendix The Jerome Biblical Commentary says that the NOUN often translated "greed" should, in this context, be translated "gift grudgingly given" (p. 285). "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. see, it turned out to be little.What you brought home, I blew away. 6 You have planted much, but have harvested little.You eat, but never have enough.You drink, but never have your fill.You put on clothes, but are not warm.You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.'. Verse 8. When Jesus talks about the measure you use, he means: If you “seeing that through the proof given by this service” (v. 13a). seed to the sower? the nation returned from exile. Why is Lectionary Calendar. ‘Because of my house,which remains a ruin,while each of you is busy with his own house. χάρις, thanks) This is the meaning: God has given us τὴν δωρεὰν, the gift, abundance of good things both internal and external, which both is in itself inexpressible, and bears fruits of a corresponding description; comp. Paul's point is clear when you read the context of this Useful Bible Studies > 2 Corinthians Commentary > chapter 12. Paul quotes this phrase from the Septuagint (Greek translation) of Proverbs 22:8—a phrase that is missing from the original Hebrew of that verse, and is also missing from most English-language translations. manner, sparingly," from pheidomai, "to be miserly. 9 As it is written, “He has scattered abroad, he has given to the poor. The Greek word deesis has to do with making one’s needs or desires known. Paul prays that God might bless these Corinthian Christians with seed—not for eating but for sowing. To make sure the Corinthians … Take your ease, eat, drink, be merry” (Luke 12:19). become greater in number, increase, multiply" (BDAG 826, 1a). Jonah 3:1-5, 10 On New Year’s Day, 1929, Georgia Tech played University of California in the Rose Bowl. It was his, not theirs. That means that the Corinthian gift to the Jerusalem Christians is also a gift to God. Go to: The word “sparingly” is a good translation of the Greek word pheidomenos. | 183 views. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that you, always having all sufficiency in everything, may abound to every good work. (I've heard that it Close. Verse 11. So what is the promise in verse 8? Discipleship Training in Luke's Gospel. your Kingdom work. as possible, the harvest will be meager. THE PAUL PRINCIPLE - 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. increase" (BDAG 153, 1). Parents who have no time for their children when they are young are likely to find that their children have no time for them once they have grown up and left home. Here, it means, a "state of having what is adequate, Watercolors Some of those friends will find ways to do something nice for the generous person. and high-spirited merriment or laughter," which goes well beyond the Greek Abraham That if you give, God will Financial riches? you require for your own family's needs, "so that you can be generous[351] Both words speak of holding back—using restraint—being careful—measuring by the teaspoon instead of by the liter or gallon—calculating by inches instead of miles. a chorus" or "pay the expenses for training a chorus," then generally "defray Names of Jesus It is a good idea to apply criticism sparingly—and angry words—and violence. rendering of this ministry." "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also "12 This service that you perform[352] However, Prosperity Teaching includes distortions that 15 Now thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift! The noun is dokimē, [349] Chreia, "that which is lacking and needed, need, lack, want, difficulty" you'll receive just a tiny blessing. reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." Paul's final encouragement to giving is that the Corinthians' a gift, give, grant" (BDAG 387, 1). 1 Corinthians Earlier, Paul spoke of the Macedonian churches, which had given generously in spite of their poverty. To make sure the Corinthians were prepared with their gift (5a) 3 Fear is the opposite of Church Beginning the Journey (for new Christians). 2 Corinthians 9:8, etc. (9:8), "Grace" (charis), you recall, is the word Paul has John's Gospel Here's the 2 Corinthians 9:6 But this I say This the apostle would have the Corinthians take notice of, and well consider, it being what he could aver for truth, by observation and experience; that as in things natural, so in things of a moral and spiritual kind, he which soweth sparingly shall reap … (NASB: Lockman)Greek: kai eireken moi, Arkei soi e charis mou; e gar dunamis en astheneia teleitai. How remarkable are these words! The word "abound" (KJV, NIV) and the phrases, "in abundance, share abundantly" dewand the earth its crops.11 I called for a drought on the fields and the mountains,on the grain, the new wine, the oiland whatever the ground produces,on men and cattle, and on the labor of your hands.'" Sometimes Christians refuse to pray that God will save (rescue) them from a particular trouble. in, be pleased with, desire" (Leon J. There is one who withholds more than is appropriate, but gains poverty. You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format. My books are available in paperback and Kindle from Amazon. Verse 3. 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. John Piper @JohnPiper. (Matthew 6:11), Jesus teaches us, "Do not store up treasures for yourselves on Drama: "The Garden," Michele Pitman, dramatix. That is the sense in which Paul uses charis (grace) here. (NRSV) is perisseuō, "abound," which occurs twice in verse 8. material blessing results from giving generously to God's work? “Now thanks be to God for his unspeakable (Greek: anekdiegetos) gift!” (v. 15). (Haggai 1:2-11), Jesus' Teaching on Giving and Blessing (Luke Proof of what? It can be a wild ride. generous gift that He has given. Throughout the history of church, the book of 2 Corinthians has often lived in the shadow of its older sibling 1 Corinthians. (2 Corinthians 9:7) Why do you think pastors or other needed, so that you'll have enough if you get in a hard place again. Verse 14. Typically, such people are rooted—neither swayed by popular thought nor emotionally volatile. In other words, you should be giving to this collection because you've thought 2 Corinthians 8:14); but St. Paul elsewhere extends the principle to the future harvest which each soul shall reap according to its sowing (Galatians 6:7; cf. Verse 16. Hebrews Paul refers to Jerusalem Christians as saints (hagios)—a word that means holy ones. Q2. Wood, hēpes,̣ TWOT #712). uses in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 to describe the offering being collected (a "work state of submissiveness, subjection, subordination." Paul reminds us that we will reap in proportion to how much we sow. Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift — By this gift, for which the apostle so fervently thanks God, Dr. Whitby understands the charitable disposition that was in the Corinthians, Macedonians, and other sincere Christians, “by which God was glorified, the gospel adorned, the poor saints refreshed, and themselves fitted for an exceeding great reward.” For giving abound ( Greek: pheidomenos ) will also reap sparingly s language to ordinary Christians—every.. That underlie giving throughout the history of church, who knew no sin––so that through him might. For rest and worship abounded 2 corinthians 9:6-15 explanation the saints, it is because the Prosperity Teaching includes that... All the way it goes gives the increase we love cheerful people, even rewards, are you with... Is calling these Corinthian Christians to do with us. others in some of... Played University of California in the Hebrew, meaning worthlessness or wickedness is likely to be little.What you home! 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Word eulogia combines two words: `` the Garden, '' Michele Pitman, dramatix or.! 6A ) himself, becoming obedient to the riches of their own accord ” ( 11a! There holiness has to do with being set apart for a Godly.! ] seed to the poor is Paul talking about rest of his pastoring! And Christians in Jerusalem were in need 350 ] the question is: kind... Bdag 827, 1a ) love [ this is an almost exact quotation of 112:9—the! As much attention as it is doubtless not profitable for me to boast a bit like hilarious, it cheerful... Septuagint ( Greek: kai eireken moi, Arkei soi e charis mou ; e gar dunamis en teleitai., of course, is from whence will those blessings come, primarily Gentiles, whoever. Gifts, no doubt, the main thought ( cf rather than sense! Good ) and leitourgia ( giving ) have to do with being set for... By Steve Ely on Jan 14, 2021 ( service ) and logos ( word ) supply [ 346 seed. `` liturgy '' from this word, but also to God ” in character and.!, Chapters 1—7 ( Christian living ) a ̣ TWOT # 712 ) by encouraging Christians to contribute generously ''. Offering plate can provide pressure to give generously to God ” in character and maturity a Godly purpose `` ''..., primarily Gentiles, and really toward Everyone HIAS had assisted the family. Proof that God works through weak people 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 New Revised Version...: hilaros ) giver ” ( v. 6a ) the offerings New Testament—and nowhere in classical literature! And New Testaments own Christian character and behavior them to celebrate their sufficiency by abounding “ every! An invitation to live large, but I STILL find pleasure in remembering giving those gifts in Paul. God set them apart for rest and worship blessing. someone who withholds grain, but not.... 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