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Free shipping for many products! A "just add fabric" project. Shop online now to view our entire selection of sewing kits at ShabbyFabrics.com! Fabric is not included. by June Tailor | Item # 16329237. FREE Delivery. Free Shipping on eligible items. It has a sew by number setup to complete the caddy in 18 seams. Daily Mews - Inspirational Mug Mats by June Tailor … Easy, sew-by-number piecing and quilting as you sew with this preprinted 80% cotton, 20% polyester batting. Share - June Tailor Quilt as You Go Casserole Caddy JT1446. Pieced casserole caddy pattern pre-printed on 80/20 cotton/poly batting for easy piece-by-number construction. Lovely book! Was: $16.94: Price: $15.25 FREE Shipping Get free shipping Free 5-8 day shipping within the U.S. when you order $25.00 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by Amazon. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Finished caddy wraps around a standard 9" x 13" pan. £16.95 postage. $17.30. $10.49 $14.99 You save $4.50! This useful and festive casserole caddy features the Holiday Lodge collection by Moda Fabrics, and uses the preprinted quilt-as-you-go batting by June Tailor making this a great project for beginners! ("customElements"in window)&&i.e(35).then(i.t.bind(null,813,7)),! June Tailor Quilt As You Go QAYG Casserole Caddy Natural: Amazon.com.au: Office & School Supplies June Tailor Quilt As You Go QAYG Casserole Caddy, Natural: Amazon.ca: Home & Kitchen. Finished size is approximately 41in x 30in. In stock. The pattern is printed on 80/20 cotton/poly batting. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Our kits include the batting and all fabrics needed to complete entire projects, such as hanging towels, hot pads, wine totes, stockings, and more! Includes batting and instructions for a beautiful caddy with only 18 seams. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. We do this with marketing and advertising partners (who may have their own information they’ve collected). Quilt As You Go, patterns printed on batting allow you to create a complete layered quilt project; top, batting and backing, all in one step. Contact the shop to find out about available delivery options. //# sourceMappingURL=https://static.parastorage.com/services/wix-thunderbolt/dist/initCustomElements.inline.e702eb00.chunk.min.js.map Support artists! The pattern is printed on 80/20 cotton/poly batting. Learn how easy it is to create quilts and quilt blocks with Quilt As You Go, Pre-Printed Cotton Batting. Was: £14.77. Finished Caddy Wraps Around A Standard 9X13 Inch Pan. Finished caddy wraps around a standard 9x13 inch pan. !e.splice(i,1)}o.prototype={constructor:o,measure:function(e,t){n("measure");var i=t?e.bind(t):e;return this.reads.push(i),s(this),i},mutate:function(e,t){n("mutate");var i=t?e.bind(t):e;return this.writes.push(i),s(this),i},clear:function(e){return n("clear",e),l(this.reads,e)||l(this.writes,e)},extend:function(e){if(n("extend",e),"object"!=typeof e)throw new Error("expected object");var t=Object.create(this);return function(e,t){for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(e[i]=t[i])}(t,e),t.fastdom=this,t.initialize&&t.initialize(),t},catch:null};var h=t.fastdom=t.fastdom||new o;void 0===(r=function(){return h}.call(h,i,h,e))||(e.exports=r)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this)}},[[263,2,4,5]]]); Please try again. • Finished size approximately 41" x 30" and wraps around a standard 13" x 9" pan. 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I was glad to buy this directly from the author rather than through Amazon even though it costs a few dollars more. item 4 June Tailor Quilt As You Go QAYG Casserole Caddy Natural 4 - June Tailor Quilt As You Go QAYG Casserole Caddy Natural. Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders Try Prime Cart. More. You will also need 1/4 yard each of 6 … These technologies are used for things like interest based Etsy ads. Quilt as You Go Casserole Caddy Pattern - June Tailor is fabulous and ready for you to just simply add your choice of fabric. (a||o||s||c||u)}(a,c,i,s,l),o[n.webp.LOSSLESS]=h,o[n.webp.ALPHA]=h,o[n.webp.ANIMATION]=function(e,t,i,r){var n=!e.ios&&i.chrome&&r>=32,a=i.edge&&r>=18,o=!e.firefoxos&&i.firefox&&!i.webkit&&r>=65;return!! The quilt patterns are printed on the batting in an easy to follow piece-by-number system. Currently unavailable. We suggest contacting the seller directly to respectfully share your concerns. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for June Tailor Quilt As You Go Casserole Caddy- at the best online prices at eBay! CURRENTLY SOLD OUT. Try. x 13 in. Add to cart. Add to cart. 4.8 out of 5 stars 58. June Tailor Quilt as You Go Casserole Caddy JT1446. • Automatically quilt as you sew. Finished caddy wraps around a standard 9in x 13in pan. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Need to contact us for product advice or website questions: You may call us 7 days a week during extended business hours 7 am to 9 pm on 0741280629 or Mobile 0419145604. Goods, regardless of the length interest based Etsy ads, but many of these problems can completed! Ratings for June Tailor off Here 's a fun summer gift idea not stop You from Etsy! Squares make it an ideal project for pre-cut fabrics, sew-by-number and complete a Caddy in seams! Put something in their cart and leave it there for several hours or days level. 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