It represents hope and positive influences. Notice the way the water made you feel in the dream, as your reactions may be slightly or greatly different than another individual’s. Blue smoke is connected to new projects and a beautiful blue vase may suggest that you are in a state of emotional contentment. In other words, it is both the physical material from which things grow as well as the overall environment in which something new can grow. For example, if the water is flowing smoothly, your spirit is calm and moving in a natural direction. John 4:14 Water is also a picture of the Word of God, and how it sets us free from the dirt in our lives. To dream that you are in a water park indicates that you are expressing an emotional high point. If the water level of a dam or a river rises and inundates people’s homes and businesses and becomes a threat to people’s lives in a dream, it means discord and trials after which evil people will be eliminated from that place. These meanings are close to any other approach of interpreting water … Dirty drinking water may reflect a method of rejuvenation that has been compromised or ruined. See River, Sea, Ocean. Cloudy water suggests lack of emotional clarity or a fear of emotional contamination. • 1 Corinthians 3:61 have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. You are feeling ripe, juicy and sensually delicious. If one sees murky water gushing froth from a water well in a dream, it means a bad marriage. To dream of a tank denotes that you will find happiness in marriage. Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud explanation such dreaming of swimming in clear blue water hints unconstrained life … Or economical distribution of your energies, as in Faucet. ... New American Dream Dictionary, If you can breathe underwater in your dream, this represents a retreat back into the womb. Sea level pertains to spiritual truths, whilst sea legs suggest spiritual comfort or feeling at home with your spirituality. Falling into a deep sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean. If on the other hand, it is dirty, murky, muddy or has waste and debris, then the event you are about to experience is probably unpleasant, dangerous or destructive. Sweet potable water in a dream represents lawful earnings, a good heart, knowledge, revival, recovering from a dangerous illness, a wife, a husband, or marriage. Jumping into water, a hope for another chance or opportunity. Sea foam stands for spiritual confusion or a stirring of your beliefs, seafood for spiritual knowledge and nourishment. Symbolic of generous giving, Prov. Water is used to bless, renew, and purify. To dream of salty water on your tongue may indicate a need to release sadness and the physically shed tears. However, if you have nightmares, it certainly can’t fall under desire. Mystic Dream Book, To see a waterbed in your dream, suggests that have come to recognize and accept your emotions. Water generally represents the unconscious and the emotions. (The Buddha is called the ‘Jewel in the Lotus’; see Buddha.) The symbolism of the color blue is based on the general human perception of the sky during a beautiful day being a very good thing. Otherwise, walking on water in a dream could mean ascertaining something that is not too clear. A dream of healthy crops may suggest that your waking ventures or family are flourishing. • Instead of walking in the spirit, by getting involved with these things or feeding on things that are not of God, you are contaminating your spirit. Alternatively, it may be a metaphor for sexual attraction.... My Dream Interpretation, If a person dreams of himself as holding or possessing water contained in a dish or bowl and he is conscious of himself as being in a state of tuhr. Being caught in a swift moving current suggests being ’swept up’ in one’s emotions. Ripples appearing on the water’s surface indicate the waves of energy we send out without even knowing it, similar to a web. Mrs B is in her 80s, and is preparing for death in her dreams. To see a water carrier in your dream signifies favorable prospects in fortune and love. It has the quality of being able to wear away anything that gets in its way. blue water DREAM INTERPRETATIONS You were dreaming about blue water, right? Water dreams can be consider the universal symbol of the unconscious mind. In baptism, water is a cleanser of previously held ‘sins’, often also those inherited from the family. To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To see a water lily in your dream signifies grief, sorrow, and bereavement. I felt I would take into myself their sickness. Bottled Water Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of bottled water represents health, protection and hygiene traditionally. If a water carrier delivers someone a glass of water in a dream and receives money for it, it represents a responsibility or a burden he will carry, or perhaps that the other person may receive accumulated profits from his business.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, To dream of drinking water from a fountain is a positive omen, meaning that you have the strength of character to solve all your current problems. Promotes healing, creativity, of­ten spiritual and/or intellectual. In waking life she was dealing with serious family issues with the possibility of her children being taken away from her. If we can sec the sea as well as the river, we may be aware that a great change must occur or that attention musl be paid to the unconscious within. In a dream, a water carrier represents a man of piety and trueness, because he practices the best of deeds and particularly if he does not receive a wage for his delivery in the dream. To dream that you can bend water represents your ability to control your emotions. Shark Dream Meaning. A tomato should more strictly be termed a fruit, but most people assume it is a vegetable. It indicates that you live wisely and with compassion. Light (sky) blue: The color of awakening, promise, spirituality, sincerity, hope, and new beginnings. You are unwavering and, when you say or promise something, you will do everything to respect it. The Big Dictionary of Dreams. If dirty, then much difficulty lies ahead. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. Therefore, digging into it will tend to uncover things—most often feelings—you have buried there from your past. If your dream pond is lifeless and stagnant, is your emotional life currently unfulfilling? How the animal moves within the water reveals our emotional mood. Controlling water in a dream may also indicate a need to control your temper better.... My Dream Interpretation, See Chef.... Strangest Dream Explanations, Symbolic of a spiritual river, Ezek. (Also see Riuer; Water)... Islamic Dream Interpretation. Drinking polluted seawater in a dream means turbulences, distress and sufferings that will be brought about by someone in authority. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. In Yoga, this is the color of the throat chakra, indicating matters of communication. You may be unable to express your true feelings, especially feelings of love. But if it is muddy, you will suffer personal or health complications. Water is a symbol of emotion because water, like emotion, constantly moves and flows. If the water is unsettled: expect the next few days to be likewise. If one falls into a river and if he is overcome by water in a dream, it means that he will fall sick. If a rich person sees that dream, it means marriage, or conceiving a child. In this way, water connects to both emotions and the unconscious. A waterfall in your dream forecasts a happy rise in social status. Meaning of blue bead in the dream | What does it meaning of blue, bead, in dream? It is the color that represents the spiritual ideals, virtue, truth, and beauty. To dream that you are underwater may also indicate that you are feeling overcome with emotions and are in need of greater control in your life, or that you may be in over your head regarding some situation. Sea or ocean The sea very often represents cosmic consciousness, that is, the original chaotic state from which all life emerges. If a sick person bathes in murky water then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Thoughts, comments, or situations that are cold and uncaring. To see or use the water cooler in your dream suggests that you are literally bottling up your emotions. Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves. Inherent in that state is all knowledge i.e. Ocean/Sea Dream Meanings and Interpretations. I got into the water. Dreaming of a water slide indicates a sense of instability in some real life situation. The color of the water is also important (see the chapter “Colors in Dreams”). Baptism: New life, forgiveness toward yourself, and renewed purity’ of thought and actions (see Baby). If you dream of aiming or shooting a water gun at someone, you them to notice your feelings. Blue Jay Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To see a blue jay in a dream represents strength, commitment and fidelity in the actions more common of the life. A water lily in a dream also represents a lawfully earned money from which one spends for his charities to please his Lord. 1. Points to faithfulness and deep emotions, but also to the desire for relaxation. Fish in a dream can sometimes have special meaning for women. The dream is often associated with other factors that need to be interpreted separately. Or is there something you want to find out, a vital piece of information that will complete the picture? Thus, being immersed in water can suggest pregnancy and birth. You may be wanting to escape from the pressures of life. Drowning highlights our ability to push things into the unconscious only to have them emerge as a force which can overcome us. Water is the universal symbol for emotions. If you were swimming in the dark water, the dream interpretation depends completely on your emotions.To swim with pleasure and joy is a sign of spiritual uplift and bold experiments; with fear in your soul - difficult trials.. Floating upon: Dependence on your feminine nature or a mother figure. Blue Snake in Dream. Our negative unconscious thoughts and emotions. According to Freud, this is a phallic symbol, because what flows out of the “spout” brings about fertilization.... Little Giant Encyclopedia, To dream of a watermelon symbolizes your inner passion. Dream ponds can also reflect your unconscious personality, facets of which will be represented by the creatures who live in it. The hot water tank reflected the constant negative emotional state created by his fear. You may be overextending yourself. In general, water represents the unconscious, the place our minds go, and the thoughts we have when we're not paying attention. Water heals, cleanses, energizes and purifies the souls. Hot water: strong emotions—see example in Introduction. 2. Did you dream of an ocean, river, or flood? Rough water, difficulties before success. See also Mother. 1. Rain can be distinguished by how the event in the dream takes place in your sleep. To dream of a blue … Sea slugs warn of spiritual laziness or entrapment, sea snails denote a slow and steady progress with your spiritual development, sea sponges stand for spiritual over absorption and sea spray represents spiritual gifts or insights. (1) Blue may sometimes symbolize the universal or collective unconscious (as distinct from the individual unconscious).. Perhaps the dream is asking you to base your life on intuitions that come from a deep source within your psyche. Washingone’s dirt with hot water in a dream means benefits. Example: ‘I was in a hospital ward—maybe for children. The Element Encyclopedia. Dark angry blue may suggest feelings of isolation and an undependable character. 1- A waterfall at its basic level of interpretation can be taken to represent an orgasm. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation. To see water in your dream symbolizes your subconscious and your emotional state of mind. 3 minutes 34 seconds . To play in water, a desire to be loved. A raging river is more like the force of feelings that are much more intense and, if not navigated well, can be dangerous to your sense of well-being. The waves in the sea represent emotion and lust. In the dream you see an ocean of dark water, it means that your subconscious reflects your unconscious desires; and river water represents the flow of life in general, current affairs. Things that are positive that you are unaware of or don't concern yourself with. Pale-blue color sometimes shows the sex of unborn child. But it the water is brackish and muddy, it means he will suffer from some ailment or disease whose seriousness will depend on how brackish or muddy the water is.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, (Also see Bathhouse; Drink; Hot)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, The hotter the water the more intense the affliction. Saltwater in a dream means distress. interpreted upon 5 sides: truthful certainty, strength, difficult matter, intimate friendship with the superiors, work from the side of an authority.... Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik, Pulled by a boat on the surface of the water, the dreamer who is waterskiing may be experiencing the force of someone else’s decisions pulling him or her. This may mean you are afraid of women (if you are a man), of your mother, or of your unconscious.... A Dictionary of Dream Symbols. A dream of drinking cold water is a! The color dark blue represents insensitivity. The island represents Lucia’s individualism, her independent and safe live that was threatened by the arrival of romance and the overflowing torrent of emotions that it implied. In “over one’s head.” 4. This dream symbol can be interpreted on five different levels: 1- Water is usually taken in dreams to symbolise all that is emotional and feminine. If you dream that you are excelling in this sport, then you have a degree of mastery over your feelings and emotions. In a dream, all gauges that are used in measuring the water level have the same interpretation. Dreams of a waterfall or rapids may be referring to birth, especially ones in which you are swept along in a warm stream of water through a tunnel and emerge into a pool or lagoon, as it is thought that we all carry the memory of birth in our unconscious. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols, Light blue is a sign of friendship, pure and sweet feelings, platonic. Negatively, holy water may reflect too much faith that something will instantly fix your problems. It may suggest that you should keep your emotions contained, so they don’t explode. If you are crawling through the pipe yourself, it is a symbol of birth. The appearance of a blue precious stone may indicate freedom from a particular burden in waking life. Reply. We do not fear that which we understand. Navy blue represents conformity and a lack of individuality. Water can also be associated with a variety of different circumstances and images within your dream, so … To dream of running water represents negative situations or uncertainty that you are noticing all the time. Plans, details and preparations for any project or ac­tivity. Just a simple visualization or a daydream of standing in a waterfall makes a person feel energized and refreshed. Stagnant water: Something, often a situation, that is unhealthy for you to the point where it causes a standstill in personal growth and in your quest for wholeness. 4:23. Alternatively, it may mean that you need to cool off. If you see your reflection in water, this suggests the transient nature of life since the reflection can easily be lost. Consider the phrase "water cooler talk". Pouring water into a container in a dream means getting married. You've confronted a problem or emotional issue. The patterns of your life, the image shown being your conception of what you have built thus far, or that which you hope to build. Womb simulation. Then, incredibly, just as they realize they are going to drown, they continue breathing and can breathe underwater in their dream. It is a kind of mysterious substance because it can penetrate the object, flow along its surface and around it. Dreams of the color blue symbolize clarity, peacefulness and truth. Dreams are still an unexplained topic. Water is the symbol of what is changeable. To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. In a dream, the color blue represents distress, depression, enmity, or a calamity. It should be seen as a reminder of your ability to survive tough circumstances, even when you feel out of your depth. Anything growing from the earth in your dream shows something that has developed from the possibilities of your life, and who you are. 2:13 ... Christian Dream Symbols, interpreted upon 5 sides: a man helpful to the people, rich man or collected wealth, or scholar that serves the people by his knowledge. To dream that someone throws water at you implies that you need to show more of your emotions. Hearing or seeing running water predicts lasting happiness. A shimmering bright blue may suggest feelings of well-being and tranquility. This dream often reveals an unclear conscience or something bothering you. A calm sea suggests a peaceful existence, while a stormy one signifies passion, either negative or positive. Vivid colors in your dreams have spiritual significance because each color has specific meanings that God or his messengers—angels—may use as symbols in miraculous dream messages. Where as a waterslide reflects enjoyment of a single negative issue or uncertain event, a water park symbolizes multiple or recurring experiences. 2- Water also represents cleansing, being able to wash away the contamination that we may experience in everyday life. Will live a life of piety and virtue and unseen ebb and flow of life energy itself, a! Rise above your current mood of anguish and despair to separate your objectivity and feelings in dreams indicates diseases... And hidden desires alchemy, water is clear, it means money be slightly or different..., depending on their strength or oceans very often represents cosmic consciousness – blue water dream meaning is not too.. 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