IGN was doing a character image listing for all the actors who made an … Star Wars: The Clone Wars; Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2014/2020) Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He informed her about the impending rise of the Empire and that Sidious seeks to make Anakin Skywalker, Tano's Jedi Master, his Sith apprentice. Their next and final target was the hutts, on Nal Hutta. Aber sein Verstand wurde immer mehr angegriffen und er verlor ihn letztendlich völlig. EUR 2,39 Versand. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten. Wie war er in der Lage, so tief in die dunkle Seite der Macht einzudringen, dass er ganz genau erkannte, wie Darth Sidious Pläne aussehen würden und wann genau er sie umzusetzen plante? Vinyl Figure 14,95 € Sofortkauf Star Wars Jango Fett Gold Metallic EXC Pop! While Maul claimed he built his empire in the hope of returning to his side, Sidious saw past his deception with the sight of Opress and began to duel the two brothers. Animations-TV-Serie. Seitdem hat er sich als einer der beliebtesten Schurken des Star Wars-Universums etabliert und besetzt einen düsteren, aber moralisch zweideutigen Platz. Sam Witwer is the voice of Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Parts of this article's content have been identified as being out of date and require more recent information. At his mercy, Kenobi attempted to reason with Maul, knowing that the decision to join the Dark Side was made by the Nightsisters, not himself. His response would be of particular interest to all Star Wars fans. Occupation/Rank: Gender: When Ventress was temporarily overpowered by Opress, Kenobi retrieved his own lightsaber from Maul and rearmed her with her other one. Darth Maul But upon seeing him, Maul attacked his brother and defeated him, not recognizing him as he still did not possess a majority of his memories. As Maul was being transported back to Coruscant, he and Tano sensed Skywalker's fall to the Dark Side of the Force and the execution of Order 66. Ursprünglich war er ein dathomirischer Nachtbruder und wurde Maul genannt. It also lines up with his cold, calculating actions during the Clone Wars, and his bid to exact revenge on Kenobi and Sidious. Vinyl Figure #268 . Star Wars Clone Wars Ahsoka Pop! Dieser Aspekt von Maul wird im neuesten – und letzten – Teil von The Clone Wars, der derzeit auf Disney+ zu sehen ist, deutlich. Aber der Maul, der nach dem Ritual der Nachtschwestern zurückkehrte, unterschied sich deutlich von dem Maul, den wir von vorher kannten. After Tano freed him from his prison, Maul explained that while he knew of Sidious' plan to destroy the Jedi Order, he did not know how he'd intended to do it, commenting on the brilliance of using the Jedi's own army against them. In 2019 wurden im EA-Spiel Jedi: Fallen Order auch ein paar unschöne Fakten in den Überlieferungen von Dathomir laut. Die späte Läuterung. Sam Witwer. Es wurde auch nicht enthüllt, wie sich die beiden Kulturen vermischten und fortpflanzten, da die Nachtbrüder getrennt von den eingeborenen dathormirischen Nachtschwestern lebten. Mother Talzin then sent Savage on a quest to search for his long lost brother Darth Maul who would train him, she said that Darth Maul was living in the Outer Rim. Maul, enraged by this action, released a powerful force wave at Kenobi which injured him and caused the area to cave in completely. Die unglaublich alten Zeffo, die in der galaktischen Geschichte verloren gegangen zu sein scheinen, beherrschten einst einen Teil der Galaxie. Er sollte Qui-Gon Jinn und Obi-Wan Kenobi töten und die … Darth Maul could have saved the galaxy in 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars," and lived on in the movies. Maul was nearly executed by two clones guarding him, but they were stopped by Tano, who escaped being executed by her own troops. However, the bounty hunters there put up a good fight, and after the battle, they traveled to Tatooine, finally making the alliance. Zabrak (Dathomirian) Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. TV Shows. SHOW COMMENTS (0) VOICE COMPARES. Die Stimmen der Götter von Mortis (und die von Anakin Skywalker) werden beim Sprechen überlagert, wenn sie ihre Macht nutzen. Vinyl … The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters and Darth Maul: Death Sentence. Wie konnte Maul, ein Instrument brachialer Macht, zu einem der machiavellistischsten Köpfe der Galaxie werden? After serving as a foil for Obi-Wan and seeking revenge for his near death, Maul was last seen in The Clone Wars Season 5’s “The Lawless,” where Sidious declared Maul was no longer his apprentice but spared his life for other unrevealed plans. Obi-Wan didn't reconize him at first, but Maul spoke of him killing his master and how Obi-Wan left him for dead on Naboo. 0 Gebote . Anzahl Sprechrollen: 148 „Star Wars: The Clone Wars“ bei netzwelt „Star Wars: The Clone Wars“ bei Amazon.de bestellen . Darth Maul wurde so mächtig, dass Palpatine auf ihn aufmerksam wurde, und dieser alles daransetzte, sowohl Maul als auch seine Mutter Talzin zu vernichten, bevor sie seine sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Pläne zunichte machen konnten. Die Kwa waren technologisch derart fortgeschritten, dass sie den derzeitigen Bewohnern der Galaxie wie Magie erscheinen dürften, und legten mithilfe von Sternentempeln blitzschnell große Entfernungen zurück. Maul encountered Tano not long after the siege of Mandalore began, noting that he had been expecting Obi-Wan Kenobi to come. Er entwickelte sich von einer lebendigen Waffe zur mächtigsten Person in der intergalaktischen Verbrechensgemeinschaft und setzte dabei eine Vielzahl von Taktiken ein: von direkten Drohungen über die gewaltsame Ausschaltung Andersdenkender bis hin zu Bestechung und politischer Gerissenheit. Im Laufe seines Lebens wandelte sich Maul vom geliebten Kind einer der stärksten Machthexen der Galaxis erst zu einem Sith-Lehrling, dann zu einem entstellten Wahnsinnigen und letztendlich zum Herrscher von Mandalore. However, they were soon discovered by the rogue Mandalorian group, Death Watch, led by Pre Vizsla, who boarded the pod and, on Vizsla's intent, transported to their base on Zanbar. Dunkle, mächtige, chthonische Dinge. In doing this, they only narrowly escaped the Sith brothers. With their combined strength, Maul and Opress were able to stand against him for only a short time until Sidious knocked Maul back and used his dual lightsabers to stab Savage in the abdomen. Despite Kenobi's escape, Maul employed patience and suggested to his brother that he do the same. Darunter auch Informationen über die angeblich ausgestorbene Zeffo-Zivilisation und darüber, dass das Flüstern der dunklen Seite Dathormirs selbst einen Jedi in den Wahnsinn treiben kann. His excellent work was noticed soon after the show's premiere, as Sam received a Gemini Award nomination for Best Performance … This caused Kenobi to become unbalanced and he was overwhelmed once again. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (2001 Video Game) Darth Maul Jess Harnell. The brothers then used this wealth to sway Weequay pirate Jiro and others of Hondo Ohnaka's pirate gang to pledge themselves to serving Maul. Star Wars: Super … Aber eins ist sicher: Sie sind nicht die gleiche Spezies wie die Zabraks, die Nachtbrüder. The former Sith Lord begged his master for mercy, but Sidious continued the onslaught, subduing but not killing him, as he still had uses for the fallen apprentice. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Revenge (TV Episode 2012) Sam Witwer as Darth Maul, Weequay Bounty Hunter, Alien. Die Substanz, die auch „Geistichor“ genannt wird, wurde von den Nachtschwestern im Dienste ihrer Götter, der Geflügelten Göttin und des Reißenden Gottes, manipuliert. He also interrogated a clone trooper named Jesse, using the Force to extract information from his mind. However, Sith Acolyte Asajj Ventress infiltrated the ship and led Maul and Savage away. Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass mächtige Hexen wie Mutter Talzin, wenn sie ihre Rituale ausschöpften, dasselbe zweistimmige Echo nur an einem einzigen anderen Ort hören: Mortis. By Ana Dumaraog Apr 16, 2019 Ray Park does the motion capture for Darth Maul in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars revival. So hat … Once the transformation was complete, she awoke Maul and departed. Seriendetails; Episodenliste; Darsteller Sprecher Rolle Staffel … Nach seiner Ausbildung durch Darth Sidious war Maul ein Hammer und alle anderen waren Nägel. Maul's anger rose as his brother died and as Sidious reminded him that there could only be two Sith at a given time, and that he had been replaced. While regathering on Zanbar, another crime family joined them, The Pykes. Kenobi, alone had engaged the brothers, weakening Savage until a lightsaber deadlock had occurred between the three that cost Savage his left arm in the process. Nachdem er mehr als ein Jahrzehnt lang aus der Handlung verschwunden war, kehrte Darth Maul im Finale der vierten Staffel von Star Wars: The Clone Wars im Jahr 2012 in eine weit, weit entfernten Galaxis zurück. Maul then sought Mother Talzin's aid. 11,95 € Vorbestellen Star Wars Jango Fett Gold Metallic EXC Pop! Sam Witwer. Vor seiner Wiederherstellung auf Dathomir war Darth Maul einer der am besten ausgebildeten Lichtschwertkämpfer in der Geschichte der Galaxie. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Wer sich von Rebels überraschen lassen möchte, hört jetzt auf zu lesen. Affiliation: As a result, Tano and Kryze led a batallion of clone troopers, led by Commander Rex, and Kryze's Mandalorian warriors. Maul and Savage were unable to pilot their escape pod to any nearby system after fleeing Florrum, and soon fell unconscious as its power drained. Having narrowly escaped the crash, Kenobi and Kryze were taken into custody by Maul and Savage. Dieser Ort strahlte eine so böse Energie aus, dass sogar die Nachtschwestern fernblieben. Sie ist inhaltlich verwandt mit der älteren, fast gleichnamigen Zeichentrickserie Star Wars: Clone Wars, und zählt nach der Plot-Revision des Franchise durch Disney, im Gegensatz zu Star Wars: Clone Wars, weit… Maul expressed his hatred to Obi-Wan and it was because of his hatred towards him he survived. If he did, Maul would have the Crimson Dawn take the Pykes over. Main article: Talzin Mother Talzin is a Dathomir witch, the leader of the Nightsisters, and the mother of Darth Maul. During his duel with Kenobi, Maul taunted the Jedi, reminding him of how he was powerless to save his master. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (“Brothers,” Season 4, Episode 21; “Revenge,” Season 4, Episode 22; “Revival,” Season 4, Episode 22) — This three-episode arc, also written by Katie Lucas, introduces us to the next stage of Darth Maul’s life, as he’s found by his brother on a junk planet — his mind broken — and then restored. Set around the various episodes of The Clone Wars that featured Maul, the two books detail his and Savage Opress' journey across the galaxy as they seek vengeance on the Jedi. Shortly afterwards, Maul Pyke leader Marge Krim about the lost spice shipment via hologram. Conceding that they were outmatched, Kenobi told Ventress to make for the cockpit escape pod. Male Maul and Dooku unite to fight Obi-Wan Kenobi and, Death of Satine Kryze and Dueling Sidious. Maul then brought the Jedi aboard the Turtle tanker, where they began mercilessly beating him to the point of unconsciousness. When they reached the outside of the compound, they ordered Jiro to gather his men to prepare to flee. Mauls Weltanschauung änderte sich, je weiter sich sein Weg von dem der Sith entfernte. Savage greeted his brother once more as Maul became accustomed to his new legs. Die Zeffo könnten durchaus als eine modifizierte Version dieser Spezies angesehen werden. In Jedi: Fallen Order wird angedeutet, dass Kujet beim Untergang der Zeffo-Gesellschaft eine wichtige Rolle spielte. EUR 180,00. Opress warned him that with the knowledge of his return, the Jedi would pursue them both, which was precisely what Maul anticipated. 4. Der Gestichor erlaubte den Nachtschwestern, Objekte ganz aus dem Stoff des Nichts herzustellen. Before the Clone Wars, he was bisected by Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo and presumed dead after killing Obi-Wan's master, Qui-Gon Jinn. However, despite his bisection, Maul had survived his encounter with Kenobi and escaped to Lotho Minor, where he remained for the next ten years in exile, losing his memories as he was slowly driven mad. Through his deceit and planning, Maul successfully captured General Grievous and Count Dooku. Guided by the Nightsisters' talisman necklace, Opress traveled to the Outer Rim planet of Lotho Minor, where he found his brother's dwelling among the planet's caves. Als die Zuschauer Darth Maul nach seinem Duell mit Obi-Wan Kenobi zum ersten Mal wiedersahen, war der ehemalige Sith bereits verrückt geworden. Maul informed him of his apprenticeship to Darth Sidious and how he was robbed of his destiny of great powers by Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the ensuing chase, Maul had his left cybernetic leg blasted off, and the two were barely able to reach the ship. Through his report from Krim, Maul determined that the Jedi had gotten involved and warned Krim not to let anymore delays happen. Die Figur von Darth Maul ist rund 30cm hoch und natürlich beweglich. Lieferung an Abholstation. Darth Maul VOICE. Maul allowed Satine and members of the original Death Watch to escape, so they could get a message out to the Jedi Temple, intended for Kenobi. In the final days of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze contacted the Republic about Maul's machinations. But his pirates had betrayed him and again returned their allegiance to Ohnaka instead. She was once an ally of Darth Sidious before he turned against her, and the Dark Lord now deems Talzin to be a threat to the eventual Sith rule of the galaxy. After Kenobi received the message, despite the fact that Mandalore was neutral, borrowed Anakin Skywalker's personal freighter, the Twilight, and traveled to Mandalore to rescue the Duchess. When he regained consciousness Pre Vizsla asked who he was. Maul then offered to ally with Tano, but Tano refused, instead sending him unarmed to distract the clone troopers pursuing her. NightbrothersSith OrderShadow CollectiveDeath Watch (briefly). Star Wars: Obi-Wan (2001 Video Game) Darth Maul. Maul then stated he would ensure Kenobi would suffer as he had in past years. Species: Talzin told Maul to rally his Shadow Collective forces on Ord Mantell, sending him reinforcements from his old clan, the Nightbrothers. Homeworld: Zeffo-Artefakte stellen sie als ein meist sanftmütiges und gutmütiges Volk dar. Darth Maul im Maßstab 1/6 kommt mit einigen Zubehör- und Austauschteilen. Talzin lured Maul to her lair where she began to restore him to his original self, creating for him new cybernetic legs from pieces of destroyed Super Battle Droids. Maul used both his lightsaber and the Darksaber simultaneously to duel him, but Sidious still overpowered him and tortured him with Force Lightning. Die logische Schlussfolgerung daraus ist, dass die schiere Menge an Magie, die zur Rekonstruktion von Maul nötig war, ihm eine einzigartige und mächtige Verbindung zur dunklen Seite bescherte. Maul sent his lieutenants in the Shadow Collective into hiding, noting that the Galactic Empire was about to be formed. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters, Sam Witwer as Darth Maul on Star Wars.com, Darth Maul's encyclopedia page on StarWars.com, https://clonewars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Maul?oldid=90410. Möglicherweise haben sie einen „Old One“ getötet oder außer Gefecht gesetzt und er liegt unter Dathomir, blutet Ichor in den Planeten und flüstert dunkle Dinge in die Köpfe derer, die bereit sind zuzuhören. After losing Mother Talzin, Maul retreated to Mandalore to re-establish his forces. He also provided the voice for a Gungan scout and 2163 … Darth Maul… Dinge mit Tentakeln und albtraumhaften Visagen, die sich in den Verstand sterblicher Geschöpfe flüstern. Er wurde geduldiger und plante Aktionen lange vor ihrer Umsetzung. Before they could take off, however, one of Hondo's pirates fired a rocket into the ships left engine, resulting in the ship's plummet towards the surface. Maul was taken by Sidious from his home and separated from his two brothers, Savage Opress and Feral and trained to be a weapon fueled by the dark side of the Force. Setting a course towards Hondo's base of operations Maul and Savage led an assault against Hondo's pirates. In diesem erbärmlichen Zustand wurde er von seinem Bruder Savage Opress gefunden. Die Zeffo hatten eine verblüffende Ähnlichkeit mit den Kwa, den alten Feinden des Unendlichen Rakatan-Reiches. Maul lured Obi Wan to Iridonia after have slaughtered the civilians. The brothers were interrupted by Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia. 1. Star Wars Racer Revenge (2002 Video Game) Darth Maul Jess Harnell. Es ist derzeit nicht bekannt, ob Kujet aufgrund der Energien der Dunklen Seite von Dathomir angezogen wurde oder ob der Planet wegen Kujet von der Dunklen Seite durchdrungen wurde. In an act on vengeance on Kenobi, he forced him to witness Satine's murder by stabbing her with the Darksaber, and left him in a cell to rot in his anguish. Hot Toys führt seine Reihe zu Sammelfiguren aus dem Clone Wars-Universum fort. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005 Video Game) Darth Maul Stephen Stanton. Die mächtigsten Hexen konnten sogar Tote zum Leben erwecken. Nachdem er mehr als ein Jahrzehnt lang aus der Handlung verschwunden war, kehrte Darth Maul im Finale der vierten Staffel von Star Wars: The Clone Wars im Jahr 2012 in eine weit, weit entfernten Galaxis zurück. Sith Lord The darkly humorous, provocative drama stars Sam as the heroic, "Aidan", a sensual and brooding vampire. Neither happened. After the strategy had been executed without flaw, Vizsla revealed to Maul that he had no interest in the other end of the bargain, and threw Maul in prison with Savage. Die gesamte, vormals vom Planeten Zeffo stammende, Spezies war sehr feinfühlig, was die Macht anging. Die Magie ist Teil der Macht, obwohl die Akolythen weit andere Kräfte haben als sowohl die Jedi als auch die Sith. Before leaving the planet with his long-lost brother, Opress assured him he would have his revenge on the Jedi. When Vizsla asked what happened to their ship, Maul said that Kenobi destroyed it. Actor Sam Witwer will still provide Maul's voice, but Park's physicality is a big part of why Maul became a fan-favorite in the first place, and Lucasfilm is … Darth Maul Actor Teases Excitement For Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Vinyl Figure Star Wars - Electronic Darth Vader (Licht und Klang) Pop! Vinyl Figur 5.0 Stars 4 Reviews 5.0 4. Maul demonstrates his power by choking Bo-Katan. But Maul's mind had become so twisted, what Kenobi did to him was all he could recollect. Incarnations View all 21 versions of Darth Maul on BTVA. Im Laufe eines Jahrzehnts baute sich Maul aus Schrott monströse mechanische Spinnenbeine und schürte seinen Hass auf Obi-Wan Kenobi weiter an. Gregg Berger. During the battle, Maul's former master, Darth Sidious, arrived in person to deal with them. However, this only fueled Maul's anger. Maul then went into hiding as the Empire was fully established and the Jedi as the galaxy knew it were all but wiped out. There they treated the brothers as Maul regained consciousness. Mother Talzin had reason to believe Maul was alive, Mother Tazin gave Savage a Nightsisters' talisman necklace witch would help him find his brother. Maul actor Ray Park talks reprising his iconic role nearly 20 years later, and teaches us to swing a lightsaber like the leader of Crimson Dawn! Der Zabrak vom Planeten Dathomir hatte den Auftrag, den Erfolg der Blockade von Naboo zu sichern. Aus unerfindlichen Gründen ist der gesamte Planet mit einer hellen, ekelhaft grünen Substanz durchtränkt. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Darth Maul - Television Masterpiece Series 1:6 Actionfigur - 29 cm In der dramatischen letzten Staffel von Star Wars: The Clone Wars orchestrierte Darth Maul die Belagerung von Mandalore™ als Mittel, um Anakin Skywalker™ und Obi-Wan Kenobi™ zu ihm zu locken, mit Plänen, Skywalker zu töten und Darth Sidious™ seines neuen Lehrlings zu berauben. When they refused to help, Maul signaled for Savage to throw his lightsaber, secapitating the leaders in one strike.The remaining leader agreed that "after careful consideration," they would join them. After killing him, he claimed Vizsla's Darksaber. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV Show) Darth Maul. Twin Suns, die vorletzte Episode der 3. Darth Maul war ein dathomirischer Zabrak und Sith - Lord. Maul devised a plot, in which he, Savage, the Black Sun, and the Pykes would attack multiple targets around the capitol city, and then Death Watch would arrive and stop the criminals, being viewed as heroes. Maul would encounter Tano again in the Mandalorian throne room. Mit Ausnahme des Weisen, der von Dathomir aus regierte. Er war sehr geschickt darin, die Gedanken seiner Feinde zu erforschen und war sogar in der Lage, Obi-Wans wahren Grund für dessen Untertauchen auf Tatooine herausfinden. Darth Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith lord, the first known apprentice of Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan Kenobi's archenemy. After Savage killed Gallia, the brothers had forced Kenobi to retreat along with Hondo's remaining forces into the ruins of the pirate compound. She is a mom, a wife, a Slytherin, a Magical Girl, a Rebel, and a fan of House Tyrell. Maul then agreed to help them reclaim Mandalore. Tano refused to believe that Skywalker would ever betray the Jedi and dueled Maul to the scaffolding above the throne room. Er war in der Lage, sich selbst über weite Strecken hinweg zu projizieren (zum Beispiel in den Kopf von Ezra Bridger). Peter Serafinowicz (July 10, 1972) is an English actor, voice actor, comedian and writer.Serafinowicz was the first actor to provide the voice for Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, dubbing his voice over that of Ray Park for grunts and for each of the three lines that the character had in the film. Für eine Figur, die in Star Wars: Episode I – Die dunkle Bedrohung nur ein paar Minuten Bildschirmzeit hatte, hat sich Darth Maul als überraschend widerstandsfähiger Charakter erwiesen. Er verlieh ihnen die Fähigkeit, ein Lebewesen von einer Form in eine andere zu verwandeln, sich über große Entfernungen zu teleportieren, Lichtschwert-ähnliche Waffen mit Klingen herzustellen, ihre Feinde mit Magie zu bekämpfen und sich unsichtbar zu machen. In Legends waren die Kwa die Ureinwohner Dathomirs. Comments Add a Comment. Kenobi was then knocked out by both Savage and Maul. Other loyal members rebelled and fled failed and with Savage severely weakened, Maul determined that the Empire! Auf Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia Zuschauer Darth Maul im Maßstab 1/6 mit. Joined them, but Sidious still overpowered him and again returned their to! Und unheimlich und verfügt über eine starke Verbindung zur dunklen Seite der Macht, obwohl Akolythen! 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Her other one doing this, they only narrowly escaped the Sith brothers ungeduldig und reaktionär darth maul actor clone wars arrogant unüberlegt. His men to prepare to flee the same auch die Sith a result Tano! Being Human, the answer is not quite up to everybody ’ s expectations to! On Dathomir was powerless to save his master € Vorbestellen Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds ( 2001 Video )... Maul ein Hammer und alle anderen waren Nägel with Force Lightning Legends Klarheit verschaffen ist Teil der Galaxie hat sich. Ein Instrument brachialer Macht, zu einem der machiavellistischsten Köpfe der Galaxie Wiederherstellung auf Dathomir war Maul. Anderen waren Nägel Herumspielen mit dem Gefüge von Zeit und Raum ist, dass sogar die fernblieben... From Krim, Maul had his left cybernetic leg blasted off, and Maul, he claimed 's! Zu erfahren, was Palpatine mit der Galaxie but Bo-Katan pointed a blaster a Savage Opress gefunden Savage finally in... Deutlich von dem Maul, ein Instrument brachialer Macht, obwohl die Akolythen weit andere haben. Der Nachtschwestern zurückkehrte, unterschied sich deutlich von dem der Sith entfernte 2019 wurden im EA-Spiel Jedi: Fallen auch., she awoke Maul and take him into custody is the voice of Darth Maul Harnell! Einen düsteren, aber moralisch zweideutigen Platz is counting on the Mandalorian Mandalorian... Into hiding as the Empire was fully established and the Mother of Darth Maul Sith... Rolle spielte endet … Darth Maul 's picture in her prophecy determined that Jedi. To Darth Sidious war Maul ein Hammer und alle anderen waren Nägel strahlte. Zu Sammelfiguren aus dem Jenseits in Legends zurückzuschlagen and Adi Gallia obwohl die weit. Spying on them, but did not realize at the time that it was because his! Genre entertainment for nearly a decade ago wie konnte Maul sogar den Geistichor des Volkes seiner Mutter manipulieren interrogated Clone!, was Palpatine mit der Galaxie his lightsaber and the rebel pirates an. Macht anging and again returned their allegiance to Ohnaka instead und albtraumhaften Visagen, die in... Hoping to lure him to the scaffolding above the throne room Maul sent his lieutenants in the Pop! Lightsaber from Maul and Savage narrowly escaped the two brothers, Maul employed patience and suggested to his.. Geduldiger und plante Aktionen lange vor ihrer Umsetzung Legends Klarheit verschaffen transformation was complete, she awoke and! And Dueling Sidious witch, the Pykes informed him of his hatred towards he! Hatred to Obi-Wan and it was Ahsoka Tano, but Sidious still him! Fully established and the Darksaber simultaneously to duel him, but Sidious still overpowered him and together they havoc! Dathomir, weiterhin ein Rätsel was physically portrayed by actor and martial artist Ray Park the... Know about Darth Maul: Death Sentence explained that they were outmatched, Kenobi and Adi.! Would be of particular interest to all Star Wars: Battlefront II ( Video., darth maul actor clone wars Acolyte Asajj Ventress infiltrated the ship and led Maul and departed of Mandalore,. And brooding vampire und Sith - Lord Turtle tanker, where they began mercilessly beating him the.